Student Zone: Welcome .NET 7
On Nov.7th at 12:00 UTC (Frankfurt am Main: 13:00), students of the Software Engineering at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will join together ...
Very often, when working with Azure CLI, you might get an error like the following one: ERROR: The command failed with an unexpected error. Here is ...
On Nov.7th at 12:00 UTC (Frankfurt am Main: 13:00), students of the Software Engineering at Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences will join together ...
Imagine you have the ASP.NET Core web application. Later, you decide to add some REST API functionality to the application. This is typically a natural ...
When working with the Azure Batch Service, you usually have to deal with many parameters. These parameters will be sent to the service, which in most ...
The great about .NET 6.0 and ASP.NET 6.0 is the Cross-Platform support. Especially when working with native cloud applications and microservices, it is ...