Azure CosmosDB throughput (RU)
Lets start with a quote from microsoft what throughput actually is: The cost of all database operations is normalized by Azure Cosmos DB and is expressed ...
Lets start with a quote from microsoft what throughput actually is: The cost of all database operations is normalized by Azure Cosmos DB and is expressed ...
We created an application for deploying Azure Cosmos DB Accounts with Mongo-API on demand by using Azure libraries for .Net For ...
When creating an Azure Cosmos DB with Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB API V3.6 and copy the ConnectionString to your application using MongoDB.Driver (in ...
I stumbled about a strange behaviour on ASP.NET MVC REST API. I send an HTTP request using PostMan with a large file (form-data). Basically it's ...
In some cases you want to disable all deployed WebJobs. This is possible with the WEBJOBS_STOPPED = 1 setting. More ways to configure WebJobs in App ...