Azure IotEdge: How to fix WindowsCryptographicException "cannot find the path specified"

After running of Azure IotEdge runtime for a while, preview bits just stopped working. I have no idea how and why this happen (it is a preview ?), but iotedge runtime entered very strange unexpected state.
I have found the stopped docker container with

docker container ls –all

and have taken a look on logs of following container:


with following command:

docker logs CONTAINERID

Then I have found many errors, which all lead to this one:

iotedge (The system cannot find the path specified) ---> Internal.Cryptography.CryptoThrowHelper+WindowsCryptographicException: The system cannot find the file specified

After executing of

iotedgectl uninstall

and setup again, removing of device, restarting of runtime and docker, nothing changed. The runtime simply didn’t want to start.

Finally I have decided to uninstall the python CLI:

pip uninstall azure-iot-edge-runtime-ctl

and then I have installed it again:

pip install -U azure-iot-edge-runtime-ctl

Believe or not, This has helped

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