During installation of VSTS 2008 BETA 2 Team Explorer, the setup may fail with following error:
“Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Premier Partner Edition: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Error code -2147023293 for this component means "Fatal error during installation"
To solve this problem do following:
1. Go to directory \tfc\wcu\PPE of the installation image.
2. Run vside.exe /x to extract the contents to a local folder. One dialog appears where you can enter the destination folder.
3. After extracting, open the destination folder and run
msiexec.exe /i vs_ide.msi /l*v %temp%\vs_ide_log.txt
4. After installation of Premier Partner Edition, run setup.exe from the Team Explorer folder.
Note that the installation take more or less long time. More about this issue you can read in Nick’s blog.
Aug 22 2007, 12:34 PM
Damir Dobric