While working with workflows you may have noticed, that sometimes it is not possible to stop the workflow in debugger. More precisely, the workflow can be stopped in debugger as long the breakpoint is set in code-behind, but not if the breakpoint is set in WF-designer.
I noticed following:
1. This issue can occur by any kind of project which contains the workflow.
2. If the project which contains debugging workflow is set as default startup-projects all works fine.
3. If the default start-project is not the project which contains workflow's code, you may have debugging problem, but not necessary.
1. Open the workflow in designer.
2. Set the breakpoint
3. Set the workflow with breakpoint as start-up project.
4. Start the application which hosts the workflow (do not use VS) and attach to the process which hosts the workflow.
For example, in a case of ASP.NET application you may attach either to aspnet_wp.exe or w3wp.exe
Hope this helps...
Jun 11 2008, 09:34 AM
Damir Dobric