udpDiscoveryEndpoint error

Damir Dobric Posts

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When enabling discovery functionality of the service in .NET 4.0 you may get following error:

"The 'address' property cannot be specified for endpoint of kind 'udpDiscoveryEndpoint'.  To configure the multicast address and port, use 'multicastAddress' property on a standardEndpoint element defined in the standardEndpoints\udpDiscoveryEndpoint section and reference it to this endpoint element using ‘endpointConfiguration’ property"

This happen when the discovery endpoint is used with address property (which is endpoint's relative address).

Here is the example which shows how to set this property:

<endpoint name="udpDiscoveryEpt" kind="udpDiscoveryEndpoint" address="discovery"/>

Because, the discovery endpoint is discoverable the address is not required (it wouldn't make a sense) and by default not allowed. Next line shows how to setup the right endpoint configuration:

<endpoint name="udpDiscoveryEpt" kind="udpDiscoveryEndpoint"/>

Posted Nov 23 2008, 08:54 PM by Damir Dobric
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