Loading of Workflows

Damir Dobric Posts

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In this post I will describe how to deal with different types of workflows.
When loading workflows you may decide between :

1. Loading of compiled activities
2. Loading of activities from file

By each of these two cases you have to consider two additional cases:

a) Loading of Workflow
b) Loading of Workflow Service

Loading of Compiled Workflow

Notice that the workflow is referenced as a type SimpleSequence.


Workflow is embedded in assembly as a type and as XAML resource.


Loading of Workflow from file

Following example shows how to load workflow from file. Notice that there is no referenced SimpleSequence type anywhere in the code.
This is important, because such workflows are not embedded in assemblies and cannot be referenced.


Loading of compiled Workflow Service

I will not consider this case, because .NET 4.0 targets declarative service only. So, services are described in XAMLX-files and can be loaded from any store.

Loading of Workflow Service from file

Notice that the workflow SimpleSequence type is not used anywhere in the code.
This is important, because such workflows are not embedded in assemblies and cannot be referenced.


The workflow SImpleSequence.xamlx is neither embedded in assembly or contained as resource. Notice also that assembly may contain other activities
which are implemented as code and not in XAML. In this case it is TraceActivity.


Posted Apr 17 2010, 02:05 PM by Damir Dobric
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