Why SignalR does not use WebSockets Part II?

Damir Dobric Posts

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If you notice that signalR does not use websockets you might first take a look on this post. But if this does not help there is also seething you have to be aware of. That means depending on how you have created the solution it might happen that websockets will be be used as a default transport.

If you create your solution like this the websockets will be downgraded (not used):

1. Create new project like MVC4, empty web or any other.

2. Add Nuget Reference to SignalR

3. Change the project to 4.5 (within project properties)

4. Set httpRuntime to 4.5


Now create solution like describe below:

1. Create new project like MVC4, empty web or any other.

2. Change the project to 4.5 (within project properties)

3. Add Nuget Reference to SignalR

4. Set httpRuntime to 4.5

Note, the order of steps 2 and 3 is changed. If you do it this way and you did already this, websockets will be used as expected.

Posted Mar 19 2013, 08:21 AM by Damir Dobric
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