Raspberry PI does not have built in battery, which would keep board clock running and in sync with world clock. However if running Windows IOT Core, the operative system would sync time by using NTP. For most scenarios time is event not that important, but when it comes to security it is crucial to have very precise clock.
For example, imaging your application needs to transfer telemetry data to some cloud service, like EventHub or IoTHub. To do this your code will have to authenticate with the service. Every authentication operation includes some sort of encryption, which will fail if the board time is not correctly set.
If the firewall blocks NTP (Port 123) You can do following:
net start winrm Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts –Value 192.168.0.XY Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential Administrator Set-Date 01/26/2014 // Setting of the date will usually set a time to 12:00 AM and you will need to adjust it to correct time: Set-Date -adjust 09:01:00
Jan 26 2016, 09:18 AM
Damir Dobric