In the previous posts I offered some sample code for motor movement and dealing with sensors of the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT product used with Bram Fokke's .NET API NXT#. One important feature of the API was not covered before: Eventing For each sensor you can register an event handler for when the data...
In the previous post I offered some sample code for motor movement of the LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT product used with Bram Fokke's .NET API NXT#. In this post I will give info about how to use the different types of sensors. Out-of-the-box you get 4 different sensors. Pressure (button) Sound Light Sonar...
We found that LEGO did a great job in delivering the MINDSTORMS NXT products (note that this link might point to the next version of MINDSTORMS products in the future and not to NXT anymore). It is a great for learning purposes and can actually be used with Microsoft Robotics Studio. However, you might...