These days new version of Azure Service Bus for Windows Server was published. That means updating of all running farms, which is not really my lovely task. And, as expected my Workflow Manager Setup ran in following error: I grabbed in the log file and found same information shown in dialog above...
private async void doIt( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { m_Voltage = !m_Voltage; ...
Imaging you are receiving some events which have to be used to activate new workflow instance Wi of some workflow type W. As long the workflow completes faster than new events arrives, successive workflow activation will execute ordered. That means for each event Ek, workflow instance Wk will be activated...
If you want to implement the long running business process or in other words to automate the business process, the Windows Workflow Foundation is definitely great choice. In addition you might probably want to use the host like AppFabric and Workflow Manager. Assuming that you are SharePoint guy or you...
When working with Workflows, which running in Workflow Manager (SP devs call it usually SharePoint Workflow) on-premises or in Office 365 you might get following error: Expression: DateTime.Now.ToString() " Property access conversion to an activity is not supported for property 'CurrentDomain'...
When working with ServiceBus for Server, the setup is responsible to define default user’s permissions. During setup procedure you will have to provide the credentials of the user who will be admitted to host and to manage Service Bus. However permissions for Workflow Manager are managed a different...