At Monday 9 th of December Microsoft Bosnia and Herzegovina is organizing TechDay 2013. This is one day conference which offers more than 10 sessions about the latest Microsoft technologies from Windows Server 2012, System Center to Developing for Windows Azure, SQL Server Office 365 etc. The conference...
There are plenty of ansyc samples over the internet, and most of them are different and not satisfy your requirements. Actually, async pattern depends of its creator, and can be implement on various ways. It is important to understand the async pattern in order to use it. Only on this way, you can stop...
As I aonnounced earlier, finaly I have published the first beta version of my open source project. With significan shanges compared to the version v1.0 GPdotNET became cross-platform and Cross-OS application. On my personal blog you can find many documentation about GPdotNET, with tutorials and descriptions...