While making your Android app full-screen (hiding the notification bar on the top) is quite easy in the Native environment where you can simply add the configuration in Manifest.xml file, if you are doing the cross-platform application development using some tool such as Apache Cordova, things...
So, lately I am working on Cordova (Or previously known as Phonegap) tools for Visual Studio to build a cross platform application using JavaScript and HTML. I imported some pre-written JavaScript code to Cordova and while it worked for me on Android Emulators, trying to run it on Windows Phone...
We all know the importance of Unit Testing and it should definitely have an important part of every Project, but we also know that todays Web Application have major parts of (at least UI) Logic implemented in diverse JavaScript libs that also needs to be Unit Tested and in also integrated in your Build...
When I started the Major Web Application Project more then a year ago, I would not even dream that I will spent so much time writing and debugging Javascripts. With the new "Web 2.0" era Javascript has become even more represented and important, as well as how to properly integrate Javascript...