I come from C# development background, and thus things like method overloading comes to my mind naturally when tackling a certain type of problem. However, when coding in languages like JavaScript, this becomes a problem. As TypeScript compiles into JavaScript, this becomes a problem of...
We have a WebApplication build on top of .NET Core Webproject template, which targets full .NET framework version instead of .NET Core. Some of you may ask why somebody would do that. The reason is simple. There are libraries out there, which currently runs on .NET Framework only. For example...
Something really strange happened today while I was running my Unit Tests or to be exact while I was making a Coverage analysis of my Project. In the middle of the Execution my Laptop stopped responding (bad Docking Station Drivers under Windows 10), so I had to do a Hard Reset. After that, every time...
VS 2017 provides a new Unit Test project template related to .NET core projects. However, you might already have a test project build with .NET Core 1.0. When migrating existing .NET Core Test projects to VS2017, this process might fail for several reasons. If it does not work, please check following...
I am a traditional software developer who is dependent a lot on source code management systems like TFS and Git for project collaboration. However, lately my foray into Augmented Reality and HoloLens has taken me into the wild west of Unity and 3D game development and the source code management is not...
If you are adding a new solution as a subproject of a bigger repository, it can happen that Visual Studio does not want to add a solution to GIT repository. When you click on “Add to source control” nothing happen. To workaround this problem you should first commit changes. Open command prompt...
If you want to create your corporate NUGET repository Visual Studio Online provides a ne feature called “package”. More information about this can be found here . In this post I will show shortly recap of most important steps, which demonstrates how to create a feed, upload the package and finally to...
Setting app icon is usually very straight forward task in application development, and thus should not require a dedicated blogpost for this. However, while using Apache Cordova in Visual Studio environment, it becomes slightly tricky. So, why is it tricky? That is because Visual Studio TACO ...
While making your Android app full-screen (hiding the notification bar on the top) is quite easy in the Native environment where you can simply add the configuration in Manifest.xml file, if you are doing the cross-platform application development using some tool such as Apache Cordova, things...
When debugging web applications with VS 2015, you might notice how Visual Studio instantiated process scriptsandbox64 is spamming your localhost. Behind these requests VS Diagnostic Tools is sending following request: http://localhost:49155/vshub/0aac6196174d4d08b4963ef9bc80d99a/DataWarehouseModule...
In C# 6 the new operator nameof was introduced. It helps the developer to use any property/classname/namespace and so on as a string. The string will be set at compile time. Lets start with some examples.: When checking arguments before C# 6 you had to use the following to output the argument name which...
So, lately I am working on Cordova (Or previously known as Phonegap) tools for Visual Studio to build a cross platform application using JavaScript and HTML. I imported some pre-written JavaScript code to Cordova and while it worked for me on Android Emulators, trying to run it on Windows Phone...
We all know the importance of Unit Testing and it should definitely have an important part of every Project, but we also know that todays Web Application have major parts of (at least UI) Logic implemented in diverse JavaScript libs that also needs to be Unit Tested and in also integrated in your Build...
After installing Visual Studio2013 Update 4 my C# Syntax Highlighting stopped working. This is what I get: public class MyClass : MyClass2 { } This is what I expect: public class MyClass : MyClass2 { } To fix the problem I executed following command in console with...
Hi :) When you want deploy for example a Windows Store App to a Remote machine for the first time. The system will ask you for a remote machine ip/name. On deployment start Visual Studio will if needed ask you for username and password. If you want to deploy the project to another remote...