address-to-clipboard button for CRM 4.0 (3.0)

Do you know the problem, writing a letter to a CRM-Contact, and gathering all address information from different CRM-Fields?

It could be so easy. We just insert an additional button "copy address-to-clipboard" in the Lead and Contact Form, recently. All you have to do is to add a Java-Script code in the ISVConfig.XML.

<Button JavaScript="var address = '';var obj=document.getElementById('firstname');if(obj.value.length > 0) address += obj.value + ' ';obj=document.getElementById('lastname');if(obj.value.length > 0) address += obj.value + '\n';obj=document.getElementById('address1_line1');if(obj.value.length > 0) address += obj.value + '\n';obj=document.getElementById('address1_postalcode');if(obj.value.length > 0) address += obj.value + ' ';obj=document.getElementById('address1_city');if(obj.value.length > 0) address += obj.value;window.clipboardData.setData('Text',address);" PassParams="1" WinParams="" WinMode="0">


best regards,

Bernd H.

PS: Escape german “Umlaute”

Ä      &#196;
Ö      &#214;
Ü      &#220;
ä      &#228;
ö      &#246;
ü      &#252;
ß      &#223;

Posted Oct 13 2008, 01:15 PM by Bernd Holzwarth
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